Our Physicians
Our Physicians
Dr. Samim Hanna
Family Physician seeing patients on walk-in bases only at Royal Windsor Clinic. Dr. Hanna has been practicing medicine for more than 20 years.
Dr. Janet Little
Dr. Little graduated from Schulich School of Medicine in 1991. She recently moved to Royal Windsor Medical clinic in mississauga from Milton ON. Dr. Little is accepting patients as a family physician.
Dr. Abdullah Al-Atrakchi
Dr. Abdullah Al-Atrakchi has had over 10 years of experience in clinic based family practice and emergency. He trained and worked in the United Kingdom. He recently moved from Stoney Creek to Royal Windsor Clinic and now accepting patients.
Dr. Mustafa Al-Waeli
Dr. Mustafa Al-Waeli has 20 years of experience in comprehensive family medicine practice and in surgical procedures. He focus’s on pain management and varies joint injections. He completed his medical degree in University of Basra, in Iraq and Newfoundland, Canada. He is now accepting patients at Royal Windsor Clinic.